Our Blogs
What is the Difference Between a Clogged Duct and Engorgement?
From the early days of learning to latch and cracked nipples, to the bittersweet decision to wean, many mothers experience issues with clogged ducts and engorgement along the way. So how can you tell the difference between the two? -
Can You Increase Breast Milk Production Fast?
How do you know if you're producing enough milk? And can you increase milk production fast? In order to understand that we need to take a closer look at the causes and solutions for decreased milk supply. -
How Long Should You Breastfeed on Demand?
As a new mom, even though we have the ability to breastfeed our babies, it's only natural to have a lot of questions about it. For the first few months, you're probably been told to breastfeed baby on-demand. But what does that actually mean? -
What to Eat When You’re Breastfeeding
If you’ve ever noticed your baby seems disinterested in feeding after you’ve eaten a spicy meal, it’s no coincidence. Your diet and breast milk are closely intertwined, and what you put into your body can directly affect your milk supply along with your baby’s feeding patterns. -
10 Reasons You May Have a Low Milk Supply
Breastfeeding is a journey full of highs and lows. One of the lowest points a nursing mama can experience is an insufficient milk supply, or more often than not, it is a perceived insufficient milk supply. So what can you do to ensure your milk supply is in sync with your baby’s needs? -
What You Need to Know About Breast Engorgement
Breast engorgement is one problem many women will face while breastfeeding. It’s uncomfortable when it happens, but you can take steps to ease the pain and swelling.