Our Blogs

  • Amy on Celebrating National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

    Amy on Celebrating National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

    “If you’re going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can’t be erased.” - Maya Angelou Today is National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day and we celebrate with open arms the future...

  • Amy on Working With Fear

    Amy on Working With Fear

    At my worst, I could barely speak. I didn’t have the strength to pick up a phone. The doctors had given me 24 hours to turn things around. Why me? Though it was so difficult and isolating, I felt at...

  • Amy on Being Selected as Small Business of the Year

    Amy on Being Selected as Small Business of the Year

    Last week, we were chosen as the Small Business of the Year by the St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce! When we received the award, one of the Chamber members joked, “We heard people told you not to move here....

  • Celebrate the Small Stuff

    Celebrate the Small Stuff

    We always celebrate the big wins. The contracts getting signed, the deals being made, the products getting launched. Big wins are easy to celebrate. They’re recognizable (in fact, they kind of demand recognition). They represent the resolution or completion of...

  • Amy on What Being a College Athlete Taught Her

    Amy on What Being a College Athlete Taught Her

    I’m never at my desk. “Where’s Amy?” is a frequent question around our office. My executive assistant Callie is always running around trying to tracking me down. I like to be in the action, buzzing between our buildings, talking to...

  • Amy on Our Company Culture

    Amy on Our Company Culture

    Pink Stork has been in business since 2015, and over that time, from working alone in my apartment to operating a global business with many employees, I’ve really come to understand how a company culture can evolve and its importance...