· By pink-stork Admin
It's not Easy Being Green
Morning sickness sucks. Not to be blunt, but I think we could agree that morning sickness is the worst part of pregnancy. Thinking back on my pregnancies I feel awful realizing that one of the key points was my morning sickness.
Just the other day I went out to dinner with my family. A bunch of the guys started talking about how they were “unbelievably seasick” from going fishing this past weekend. The whole time all I could think was “that’s cute, but try doing it for 9 months straight.”
What helped me the most was being proactive about my morning sickness and just taking control of that part of my journey. So when it came to my last two pregnancies I immediately started taking cocolaurin as soon as I found out. I’m not saying there won’t be days where you won’t feel green, because if you have HG it has its ups and downs. It won’t be as bad though, as not being able to care for your family.
The hardest part was feeling guilty and feeling like by taking these days off I was being selfish. I didn’t want to feel sick and I certainly wouldn’t wish how I felt even on my worst enemy. That’s why my wish for you moms out there suffering from morning sickness is that you can take control of the situation and make your pregnancy an enjoyable one. I fully believe in our morning sickness line and the benefits that can come from it. If our morning sickness line can help just one mom than I will feel like I’ve done my job.