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What is in Pink Stork Clogged Duct Tea?

Our newest product, Pink Stork Clogged Duct Tea is now available. Our Clogged Duct Tea was a true labor of love and was crafted directly from customer feedback. Clogged ducts are just about the worst. They always come up when you’re feeling good about breastfeeding or just when you’re hitting a groove. Are you duct-ing kidding me?

What goes into a product? How does Pink Stork decide customer needs, wants, and product ingredients? It starts with chats on the website, emails, or even social media comments. We comb through every conversation and work hard to put those needs into production and make them a reality. 

So what are clogged ducts, and how is it different from mastitis? You may be surprised to learn how proper preventive care can stop clogged ducts before they become more serious.

What’s the difference between clogged (plugged) ducts and mastitis? 

A clogged duct occurs when the lactating breast doesn’t properly drain its milk. If you don’t always get to express all your milk, it can lead to an obstruction. You can sense a clogged duct by touching your breast and feeling for a little nodule. Your breast as a whole might be engorged. 

The clogged duct will come on gradually and, most of the time, will only affect one of your breasts. 

Some of the symptoms you might experience with a clogged duct are:

  • Your breast is tender and swollen in an area that isn’t draining.
  • You feel more pain before a feeding session.
  • Your milk supply is decreasing, or pumping output has decreased.
  • You may have a small (or large) lump, which may look engorged.

Some other precursors to clogged ducts are:

  • Latching issues
  • Having nipple pain
  • The baby seems distracted or sleepy
  • You have a constant oversupply
  • Ineffective baby suck
  • Engorgement

Depending on how well your baby is nursing, other issues may arise. Such as if your baby has started teething, started using a pacifier, you started weaning, or perhaps a different feeding pattern if you returned to work. 

Keep up with expressing all your breast milk through feedings, and use your breast pump if you have an oversupply. 

Unlike clogged ducts, mastitis is a breast inflammation caused by an infection (or obstruction) of your breast. Mastitis usually presents itself in the first two to three weeks of breastfeeding but can appear anytime during lactation. 

Some of the symptoms you might experience with mastitis are:

  • A fever of 101.3 or higher. You may feel like you have the flu with body aches
  • Your breast may swell, feel hot, or just intense pain in the affected breast. 
  • An infection may be visible if you have open skin on the nipple.
  • Blood, mucus, or pus present in breast milk
  • Your breast milk may look clumpy, lumpy, or stringy. (Safe for baby to drink, just doesn’t look great). 
  • Part of your breast may be red or red streaks.

Mastitis will come on quicker than clogged ducts and show more symptoms. Mastitis, like clogged ducts, will present itself in one breast but, while rare, could be in both. 

While both can come on separately, having clogged ducts can easily become mastitis without proper treatment. Your nipples could be sore or cracked, making them susceptible to infection. Treat early and be proactive. 

How do you treat clogged ducts or mastitis? 

First and foremost, our Pink Stork Clogged Duct Tea should be on the top of the list! For either clogged ducts or mastitis, get the support you deserve and the relief you need. 

Both clogged ducts and mastitis will have similar treatments, but it’s best to be aggressive with treatment with clogged ducts present. Finding time for you to get in extra nursing sessions can generally help your breast recover and get back to normal. During this time, you DO NOT want to stop breastfeeding or pumping, as it can lead to further pain (more clogged ducts). Remember, you want to express everything out of your breast. 

You may want a warm compress and to gently massage your breast before nursing. When you’re not nursing, take the time to milk frequently and express yourself totally. 

For mastitis, it’s safe to take antibiotics. Some doctors will recommend you take an oral antibiotic for 10 to 14 days for treatment. Make sure you complete your treatment and do not stop early. 

Antibiotics aren’t always needed with treatment.

Your breast may still feel tender and look bruised for a few days after mastitis (or clogged duct) has resolved. You may still have stringy (or thick) milk as it resolves. 

How do you prevent mastitis from happening?

The best thing you can do is express your milk thoroughly and not let it become trapped in your breast. Unfortunately, some moms are prone to clogged ducts and mastitis (sigh!). Listen to your body, express and pump thoroughly and look for symptoms early. 

Should I get a breast pump to help with clogged ducts?

Yes! Avoid extra blockage with a breast pump. Considering you want to express more often with a clogged duct, a breast pump can help get all the extra milk left in your breasts.

You know how inconvenient it can be if you’re experiencing or have experienced clogged ducts. You’ll feel like your successful nursing journey has hit a roadblock, and you’re just in neutral. With the right plan, you’ll quickly have those clogged ducts behind you. 

Pink Stork Clogged Duct Tea is our solution to a problem so many nursing moms are having. It’s the support you need to tackle even the worst clogged duct. 

How did we choose the ingredients? 

Each individual ingredient comes together to create the perfect combination of duct-busting goodness. We’ve included ingredients such as Oat Straw to support boosts to your milk production. Other ingredients like Rosemary and Orange Peel help prevent/alleviate mastitis and give you relief. Some of the ingredients below are real showstoppers for helping with clogged ducts. 

Rooibos Leaf: You may have heard Rooibos Tea through other names, such as red or bush tea. The Rooibos Leaf comes from a shrub called Aspalathus Linearis and is grown along the coast of South Africa. Rooibos, unlike green or black teas, has lower levels of Tannin. Tannin is a natural compound found in teas (like green and black) and interferes with absorbing nutrients like Iron. It’s good that it has lower levels. 


  • It helps with keeping hydrating and stress reduction. 

Chamomile Blossom: Chamomile tea constrains compounds that can help reduce inflammation


  • Anti-inflammatory benefits to help with breast inflammation (infection). 

Fenugreek Seed: An excellent galactagogue and one that has been used for centuries. Fenugreek can be used for short-term and long-term boosts to milk supplies. Mothers have experienced a noticeable increase in milk production within 24 to 72 hours. 


  • Supports increase in milk production. 

Sunflower Lecithin Powder: Lecithin is a phospholipid type in plants and animal tissues. It occurs naturally in sunflower oil, egg yolks, and even soybeans. For breastfeeding support, you’ll find Lecithin derived from soy or sunflower oil. 

While studies are ongoing, researchers believe that Lecithin can make your milk more sticky, helping it hold onto fat globules that would otherwise get stuck in your milk ducts (and cause a clog). 


  • It helps with milk flow and unblocking clogged ducts. 

Blessed Thistle: When your baby latches on to your breast, you produce hormones that stimulate milk supply and oxytocin, which releases milk. Since not all moms produce enough milk naturally, some use Blessed Thistle to stimulate breast milk production. A popular galactagogue is used to increase the flow of breast milk. 


  • Increases milk flow and production.

If you’ve experienced clogged ducts or mastitis, you want to ensure you don’t experience it again. It’s painful and inconvenient.  At the very least, it ruins your nursing flow. Replace your pump if it isn’t working well, add Pink Stork Clogged Duct Tea, and when in doubt, join our Pink Stork Community on Facebook for more support. Get product recommendations, life stage support, and answers to those pressing questions you need answered NOW. 

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We recommend Pink Stork Clogged Duct Tea for your mastitis and plugged duct needs.