By pink-stork Admin

Welcome, Baby Gloria!

Those of you who had guessed that we would be having a third baby girl were correct! #GirlsWin 

The Upchurch family has finally welcomed our fifth child, Gloria Anastasia Upchurch. She was born on March 31, 2018, at 12:14 AM! She is around 8 pounds 4 ounces, 20 inches long. She arrived after only two and a half hours of labor! For this birth, we decided to have her at home using a midwife (separate blog post to come about my experience!). Since then, Gloria has been showered with love and attention by all the kids ... they love to tell her “Happy Birthday!” every single day as she sleeps the afternoon away. We have all enjoyed time at home relaxing, bonding, breastfeeding and being together.

I am honestly so thankful for my Pink Stork products. They helped me feel less nauseous, more energetic, and overall just BETTER than my other pregnancies. You guys saw me use them all the time (if you watched my Instagram Stories). So you know I believe in them 100% - and I wouldn't get them out for you guys if I didn't believe in them!  

Thank you to everyone who has followed my pregnancy journey and sent love, prayers, and well wishes! I cannot believe I am a mama to 5 little ones!