· By pink-stork Admin
Putting the "Me" Back in the Morning Mommy Routine
Mornings tend to be fast-paced and if you’re a busy mom you may dedicate most of the time you have to your kids. It’s important to work some Mommy-me-time into your day, so why not start early with an, almost, kid-free morning routine. That’s why we’ve created a mommy routine with your best interest in mind!
- Start with a simple skincare routine: a citrus-scented face wash and light moisturizer is most likely to get you refreshed and ready for the rest of the day. I am a big fan of these washes I can make myself at home!
- Tackle the morning struggles before anyone else is awake (its a lot easier to pack a lunch when there is no little one tugging on the knife). This can also include putting together an outfit, gathering your work or kids' school items, or finding the mate to your shoes. Finishing these small things first will make getting out the door less of a hassle.
- Mornings are stressful, so take some time for you. Whether you spend a few minutes reading, setting your intentions, or going for a walk take some Mom-ME time!
- They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day! But sometimes even the healthiest breakfasts can miss out on key nutrients for a healthy Mama or Mama-to-be. Foundation is an easy to swallow prenatal. Whether you’re trying to get pregnant, are pregnant, or postpartum a prenatal will give you vitamins for mom and baby.
Getting a jump start on your morning can help lead to success according to the Huffington Post, a morning routine sets the mood for the whole day. So, start your day on a healthy and happy foot, whether that be your right or left.