By Sarah Morris

My "Grave into Garden" Experience

Have you ever gone through a “Grave into Garden” experience in your life? It is going through a  situation where you literally think this is it, I have reached the breaking point of my life. I cannot begin to even imagine this experience that I am walking through right now, this “grave”, to become anything beautiful, nonetheless a “garden”.  

My “Grave into Garden” experience came in 2010 when I was pregnant with my first child. I became severely sick and was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which is basically morning sickness on steroids. I was in and out of the hospital for 24 weeks before I contracted a blood infection that shut down the entire Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The doctor then gave me 24 hours to live. Talk about a grave moment for myself. Thomas and the Doctor walked into the room and I immediately knew that what they were going to tell me was not good. In this moment I heard God’s small, still voice saying, “Amy, trust me”.I had a sense of peace that came over me and I knew I had to trust God. At that moment, I knew the doctors were wrong. 

Fortunately, I was able to live and give birth to a healthy baby boy. My first pregnancy experience was nothing like I had imagined. It was turbulent, emotional, and raw. I never had a baby shower, I never experienced bliss and calamity. Life was totally upside down for me! I knew there was a bigger picture, I just couldn’t see it yet.  

Then, I became pregnant with my second child, and it was like déjà vu, 2010 again for me. I became sick very quickly into my pregnancy. This time around, it was even more of a challenge since I had a toddler to take care of now as well. My husband was a Marine at the time, and all of the caretaking for my child and myself fell on me. I was in full survival mode and by no means was my life Instagram beautiful. During this time of my life, I held onto hope. I could not tell yet the direction my life was going in, but I trusted my gut and knew God was leading me somewhere. 

Flash forward to 2013 when I became pregnant for the third time with Hyperemesis  Gravidarum. This time around I have two toddlers to take care of and my growing baby inside of me. Life was hard. The movement of the daily grinding moments; being pregnant, going to the hospital for IVs, being sick 24/7, made it hard to see the garden God was planting. All I could see and feel was pain. I held tight to my conviction that God was going to see me through this and trusted my gut. This “grave” was not going to define my life. I knew so deep inside my spirit that this whole experience was going to be for something beautiful.  

In 2015 when I became pregnant for the fourth time I knew enough was enough. I knew that there was no way I was the only female feeling this. I had to figure out a way to not only help myself but to provide light and hope for women everywhere. 

This is how Pink Stork came about. I worked extremely hard while pregnant with my fourth child to find natural, organic products that would help alleviate my pain. I made a big lifestyle change as well. I started focusing on everything I put in my body. I ate a lot of meats since I was anemic and eliminated sugar, which was so hard to do while pregnant! Fortunately, I started to feel better and really saw my life healing. I was finally starting to see the vision of the garden God was planting in my life: Pink Stork! All of the supplements, diet, and lifestyle changes, made such a difference in my overall life and perspective I knew I had to go out and help encourage other women. 

Pink Stork is here to provide women hope, and light. All products are made with keeping women’s health as a top focus. We are real women in the year 2022, with real problems, and Pink Stork can provide you with real solutions.  

I want to encourage you today that if you are walking through a “Grave” experience right now in life do not give up. Trust your gut feelings. This experience, if you allow it, can be turned into a beautiful garden.