By Caroline Brown

How to Regulate Your Cycle

Irregular cycles suck. Besides making your time of the month unpredictable (and therefore harder on you), they can also indicate hormonal imbalances or other issues and make conceiving harder.

So what can you do to help regulate your cycle naturally?


If you can’t tell from our blog posts, we love yoga. While it’s not a cure-all, it is so good for your body and your mind. One study showed that 35-40 minutes of yoga, five days a week over the course of six months helped regulate women’s hormones. Doing yoga can also support your relief from the ugly symptoms of PMS, such as mood swings and stress. And you don’t need to go to a class. Just cruise on over to YouTube and let Adrienne of Yoga with Adrienne lead you through a flow.


Being overweight (or underweight) can cause irregular periods. Exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight and help ease the uncomfortable symptoms of your period, such as cramping and pain.


Overall, it’s important to avoid low-carb diets and to include a healthy amount of fat, such as from avocados, salmon, or flax seeds, in your diet. Otherwise, there are many helpful foods that you can add to your diet to help regulate your cycle. Ginger may help with heavy menstrual flows and PMS symptoms, such as mood swings. Cinnamon can help regulate your hormonal cycle and alleviate period pain, heavy menstrual cycles, and nausea. Vitamin D, B Vitamins, and Folate can also support a healthy cycle. Find them in our Total Cycle Gummies. Apple Cider Vinegar has been shown to help support ovulation and menstruation, in addition to supporting weight loss. (We have gummies for that, too! Try our Total ACV Gummies.) Lastly, pineapple contains an enzyme thought to regulate periods. 

In addition to everything listed above, make sure to get good sleep and reduce stress. With good, consistent habits, you can support your natural menstrual cycle and overall well-being.

Sources: Healthline, Healthline, MedicalNewsToday