By Caroline Brown

Holiday Stress + Fertility

Advertising and culture paint the holidays as the most wonderful time of the year. In a lot of ways they are -- glimmering lights everywhere, vacation time to spend with your loved ones, all of the possibilities that the new year brings (plus, presents!) -- but in other ways, the holidays are stressful, especially if you’re trying to conceive.

You may be dealing with:

  • Questions about when you and your husband are going to get pregnant.
  • Worrying about the insensitive or thoughtless comments your family members or friends might make.
  • Struggles with sadness or grief that makes you feel isolated while (it seems like) everyone else feels so jolly.
  • The financial expenses of TTC and worrying about how you’ll be able to give presents this year.

Stress affects your ability to conceive, so it’s important to take care of yourself during this time. 

Find support. Do you have a friend, community group, or sibling that you can vent to? Lean on your community during this time, especially if you’re feeling isolated. Our PS Life Facebook Group is a great space to talk about what you’re going through and to say what you need to say.

It’s easy to fall off the rails on your diet during the holidays. Make sure that even if you indulge in sugary foods, you balance it out with a healthy diet of whole foods and some gut-loving probiotics. (Plus, our Total Cleanse can also help kill the bad bacteria in your gut if you’ve overindulged.)

Find ways to de-stress. Take a bath (with our Flakes), do breathing exercises, eat some Ashwagandha Gummies, or practice 15 minutes of yoga. Find what works for you to help you relax and recenter.

Take care of yourself this holiday season. You deserve the gift of your own attention and love.

P.S. We offer a full line of stress-relieving products that can support YOU during the holidays.
