· By Erin Davis
Natural Ways to Support Pregnancy-Related Nausea Relief
How many of us can relate to the sudden, overwhelming feeling of nausea that comes with pregnancy? Most pregnant women can agree that the feeling of nausea has stopped them from getting things done, making it out of bed in the morning, or even enjoying their favorite meal. For some, it halts life completely. When your energy levels are drained and you aren’t feeling your best, it can make getting through your day hard (or seemingly impossible). Luckily, because women have been experiencing morning sickness since well, forever, there are many natural remedies to support your relief.
Adjust your eating habits
Now that you’re pregnant, you’re probably already following a pretty strict diet. But morning sickness may require you to adjust further. Eat smaller, more frequent meals to avoid an empty (or too full) stomach, which can exacerbate nausea. Don’t eat and drink, as drinking during a meal can make you feel fuller. Try eating cold or warm foods to see what you’re able to stomach more easily.
Get acupuncture
If you’ve never gotten acupuncture before, the idea may be scary: Getting a bunch of little needles poked into your body? Understandably, you might be thinking “No, thanks.” But acupuncture has actually been proven to support relief from morning sickness (and even its evil cousin, hyperemesis gravidarum) with no adverse side effects. Talk to your doctor to see if you can find a recommended practitioner near you.
Peppermint aromatherapy is a proven method to help reduce nausea. You can place essential oils on a cotton ball, or spritz them into the air. You may also like orange or lemon scents. You can cut an orange or a lemon, or scratch their peels, and inhale the scent. Deep breathing has also been shown to help reduce nausea; try inhaling for a count of three, holding your breath for a count of three, and exhaling for a count of three.
Try Pink Stork Nausea Products
We’ve got a whole line of products specifically for nausea relief (after all, our CEO + Founder created Pink Stork after battling with hyperemesis gravidarum through three of her five pregnancies). Our Morning Sickness Sweets, Nausea Tea, and Morning Sickness Tea are made with specific ingredients to support your natural relief from nausea.
Sources: USPharmacist.com, NIH.gov, OneMedical.com, Healthline