By Caroline Brown

Common Pooping Issues During Pregnancy

Asking questions about constipation and diarrhea

When you’re pregnant, a lot of things are changing and your bowels aren’t an exception.

First of all, you might struggle to poop at all (or, at least, less than three times a week). While a lack of fiber or exercise can contribute to constipation, generally the hormone progesterone is the culprit during pregnancy. It slows muscle contractions in your intestines, which also stops the flow that lets you go. In addition, vitamins you take during pregnancy, such as iron supplements or prenatals, and skeletal changes as your body makes room for the baby can contribute to constipation.

Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat tons of fiber, such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, and our Fiber Gummies.

Our Organic Constipation Tea can also help.

Constipation Relief

Constipation can also lead to straining, which could result in fissures or hemorrhoids. These, in turn, may result in some blood in your stool or on your TP. Hemorrhoids can also occur because of the pressure your uterus is creating on your pelvic floor and increased blood flow.

You can apply a cold compress with witch hazel or use our Postpartum Sit Bath in warm water for hemorrhoid relief.

Diarrhea and Hormones

Your hormonal changes can also result in the opposite of constipation: diarrhea. Relaxin, a hormone only released during pregnancy, causes your joints and ligaments to loosen to prep for labor and delivery, and it can cause the joints around your rectum to loosen, too, making your stools loose or watery. Just like with constipation, it’s important to stay hydrated.

Green Poop and Diet

Green poop? An increased intake of veggies and leafy greens, or the addition of prenatal vitamins, an iron supplement, or an antibiotic may be causing it. While green poop is pretty normal for pregnancy, it could indicate an infection, IBS, or gallstones. As with anything during pregnancy, if you have concerns or think something unusual is happening, talk to your doctor.

Sources: Healthline,