By Hannah Rathbun

Brand Ambassador Interview: Natalia Condon

Name: Natalia Condon

Handle: @nataliacondonn - Opens Instagram

How did you discover Pink Stork?

I discovered Pink Stork after I had my son. We were talking about having another baby and a friend posted about Pink Stork. I got pregnant and then you guys actually reached out to me which saved me with the morning sickness! I also used the Labor Prep Pills, Postpartum Mood Support, prenatals, Magnesium Spray, and now my daughter uses the Baby Vitamin D Drops!


    What inspired you to become a brand ambassador for Pink Stork?

    I love that you can sense the thought and care that goes into your products. I advocate for things that are curated for women, especially postpartum. I really struggled with my son postpartum - I had postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety, and I felt so alone going through that. So I advocate for any resources out there to help with postpartum and pregnancy. I like finding those small brands that you can tell are so intentional with curating products for women. You are also the only brand I know that says “this product has been prayed over” on the label, my husband loves that! 


      What does wellness mean to you personally, and how do you incorporate it into your daily life?

      Wellness really depends. There’s wellness in being a mother and wellness in being a person. I think it’s about finding what makes you feel good outside of being a mother. It’s about finding the resources and structure that puts you in a good position for yourself. One of the biggest things that I advocate for is finding yourself in motherhood - outside of being a mom. I will try to wake up before my kids to get in a workout in, even if it’s a 10-minute workout just to do something for myself. 
      If I'm not okay, then I can’t be present enough for my children the way that I want to be. Wellness is taking care of yourself, but also taking care of yourself so you can be there for your family. It’s about finding those small things that give you happiness. Like your Postpartum Mood Support - I tell my community about it all the time because your mood affects your entire body, your breastfeeding, and your children can sense your mood, it effects everything. So it’s important to find positivity and take care of yourself. 


      What are your favorite Pink Stork supplements, and how have you seen them benefit you?

      Postpartum Mood Support! The ingredients in it are supposed to help balance you hormonally which is so important because when you go through pregnancy and postpartum you are so hormonally imbalanced so just having that is huge for me. I have two bottles in the cabinet because I don’t want to run out! 

        With a magic wand, what’s the one major challenge for mothers that you wish you could solve?

        Postpartum Depression. It’s so taboo to talk about. For people who haven’t gone through it, you’re not supposed to feel this way. Until you actually go through it, you don't realize how bad it can get. When I was going through it I was so alone and I know there are so many moms out there who are going through it alone, scared to speak up, scared of being judged. That’s one thing that if I could fix, it would be moms not feeling so alone and going through it alone. We already go through so much with pregnancy and postpartum and I don’t think there are enough resources out there for it. 

          What’s a fun fact we should know about you? 

          I am learning to ride dirt bikes, so my husband and I go out and ride dirtbikes on the weekends! We ride at my in-laws, making it easier to be with my kids while doing something fun for myself!

          Natalia Condon