By pink-stork Admin

Conquering the Holiday Hustle and Bustle

The holidays are here! We know you’re busy, Mama, we are too. We also know that trying to cope with morning sickness the whole time doesn’t make it easier. Morning sickness dulls your energy, takes up your time, and let’s face it, makes us less glamorous. During this time of year, those are all things you need to make it through. We’ve come up with a list of ways to make the holidays a breeze.


Eat What You Can

Morning sickness can make the food you normally love, ones that you hate. Food aversions can happen at any time during your first trimester. The journal Appetite featured an article discussing how food aversions happen during morning sickness because of the increase in hormones. So before your family dinner or office party, make sure to eat the food you can! Bring some snacks with you, too, so that way if you need a little something to munch on you’ll have options.


Don’t Go Hungry

Eating what you can means you may have to eat beforehand, which is a good thing! Don’t go to your celebration hungry. This will help settle your stomach with all the different smells wafting in and out of the kitchen. Eating little meals will help keep your stomach at ease and your party going all night long.


Don’t Over Do It

We know it’s tempting to want to say yes to every invite you receive, but give yourself a break when you can. Being pregnant takes a lot of energy and you’ll want to relax when you can, especially if you’re nauseous. Make a list of all your invites with the date and times, then prioritize. Your loved ones will understand and you’ll be able to chill out.


Try Natural Remedies

Don’t let your morning sickness hold you back from being the life of the party! Try natural remedies to help soothe your achy stomach and make this holiday one you can enjoy. Whether that means drinking ginger ale with dinner or sipping on some Blood Orange Morning Sickness tea after dessert, you’ll be ready to take on the rest of the night!