· By Joey Santos-Jones
5 Ways to Stay Comfortable in Your Third Trimester
You’ve made it to week 28, and the third trimester isn’t hitting you like the toy bricks the last two trimesters felt like. Morning sickness is probably a thing of the past, and your moods feel a little more in control. You’re feeling good and planning out the last few months before the delivery when you suddenly feel heartburn. Was it something you ate? Do you feel shortness of breath? You don’t remember running.
What. Is. Going. On.
At the start of your third trimester, your baby will be around 2 - 2 ½ pounds, doubling that by your eighth month. Rapid growth can affect your body and also affect your comfort. You’ll feel new physical and emotional challenges, but you’re ready for them.
More things are going to happen to your body. Ache things. Hard to sleep things. How do you deal with it all? We got you covered.
1. How do you deal with back pain in your third trimester?
You’re probably already feeling lower back pain with slight hip discomfort. It actually has a name, musculoskeletal discomfort.
Musculoskeletal discomfort is lower back pain, pelvic pain, sacroiliac joint pain, and/or hip pain during pregnancy. It’s not unique to pregnancy, but it sure seems to come with it a lot. This comes from your enlarging uterus, which applies mechanical stress to your body.
Your baby’s growth changes your center of gravity. Imagine that. Because your body is overcompensating to maintain good posture, you will feel more strain on your back. For cases like this, you’ll want to get a good heating pad and place it on your lower back. If you’re feeling tight pelvic pressure, you can use maternity support binders to help take pressure off your pubic bones.
Light stretching can also help.
Managing your weight can also be beneficial as you try to gain appropriate weight during your pregnancy. While your baby will fight you for more food, excessive weight gain can worsen your symptoms and lead to more discomfort.
Read More: 5 Ways To Ease Pregnancy Hunger Pangs
2. How do you deal with pregnancy swelling and weight gain?
Your body is going to keep excess fluids during your pregnancy. Having too much amniotic fluid is one reason which builds up during the second half of your pregnancy. It could also be caused by having a multi-pregnancy (twins, triplets). The most common reason for swelling is that your body produces 50% more blood and body fluids to meet your baby’s developing body. Most swelling will be in your hands, legs, face, ankles, and feet.
Compression socks are a great way to decrease swelling in your legs. Depending on if you use socks or stockings (it’ll take a bit to get them on, trust us), you’ll feel better later in the day, less swollen in your peak hours.
Some other ways to decrease swelling include:
- Sitting when you need to and not standing for long periods.
- Wear comfortable shoes (and clothes). Ditch the tight straps.
- Elevate your feet when you can.
- Limit or eliminate overly salty foods.
- Sleep on your left side to help blood return to your heart.
3. How do you stop constipation and hemorrhoids while pregnant?
The short answer is to have a diet with high fiber and drink plenty of water during your day. The long answer is you might still have issues with both during your pregnancy. With your elevated progesterone levels smoothing your muscles to relax, food goes through your intestines slowly.
Most stool softeners are safe to take (avoid laxatives). For hemorrhoids, if you can manage your constipation, you can generally avoid them. If you still develop both, over-the-counter creams can help give you comfort.
4. How do you get better sleep while pregnant?
Who likes restless nights? You can only lay in bed so long before frustration takes place, and you need a quick scream in the body pillow. You might get up to use the bathroom, have restless legs, have lower back pain, or have heartburn. What can a mama do?
Obviously, you need a good night’s sleep, but it starts with planning before you lay down. Decreasing your fluid intake before you go to bed can help reduce your nighttime trips to the bathroom. Once you are in bed, get those pillows working for you. Settle into your comfortable positions and position them strategically. Yes, think like a Five-Star General. Comfort is war. Having pillows between your knees or even behind your back can help keep you comfortable.
Getting in some light yoga or exercise, walking and stretching can also help improve your nighttime sleep.
5. How do you stop heartburn while pregnant?
Heartburn is a normal occurrence during pregnancy. Too much coffee, soda, or fatty foods can worsen things. Your heartburn will feel at it’s worse when you lay down, so try avoiding eating right before bedtime.
Some other ways to lessen your heartburn changes:
- Limit caffeine.
- Avoid citrus drinks and juices.
- Avoid fried foods (spicy and fatty).
- Drink between your meals but not during your meals. It sounds weird, but it works.
- Eat slowly.
- Eat more small meals throughout the day instead of three larger ones. Snacking on healthy foods is key.
As you get closer to your due date, some pregnancy discomfort might heighten as your body prepares for delivery.
It’s been a long journey, but you’re almost there. Some of the best advice we’ve received from other moms is to be patient, ask for help when you can, and advocate for yourself ALL the time.
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