We are on a mission to encourage, inspire, and strengthen women, guided by God’s love and compassion.

By pink-stork Admin

Morning Sickness Blues

Morning sickness, the icky sicky part of the first trimester. Some women don’t have the slightest bit of morning sickness. For some, however, it is the first symptom that makes them think they are pregnant. Morning sickness usually starts around week 6 and ends around week 12. Morning sickness itself is the feeling of being nauseous, though it can be accompanied by vomiting.

None of that sounds glamorous and that’s why we’ve come up with a few tips and tricks to survive the first trimester blues.

Our first trick is to identify your triggers and then try your best to avoid them. Whether it’s an officemates afternoon popcorn or your own favorite lotion, listen to your body! Keep a diary too, write down when you feel sick and what you think the causes could be. It may be as simple as changing the scent of soap you use.

Another tip is to avoid a room that is stuffy and warm. Hot air can cause feelings of nausea and can cause it to last longer than needed. Open a window or purchase a mini fan to keep air circulating throughout the day. This is especially important when it’s time to cook a meal, keeping the air around you circulating while prepping your dinner will help ease a queasiness. This may also aid in your ability to actually eat the meal you’ve worked hard on!

Before we mentioned temperature, for our last little trick try and keep your beverages at an extreme temperature. Beverage choice is extremely important as well, ginger ale and tea often help with suppressing nausea. Ginger acts as a natural remedy to help reduce discomfort when it comes to an upset stomach. If tea is more your preference than we recommend either a hot or iced glass of Blood Orange Morning Sickness Tea. With its hints of ginger and sweet blood orange flavor, your stomach will be feeling better in no time!