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How to Support Your Body + Mind During IVF

Trying to conceive through in vitro fertilization (IVF) can be stressful. Aside from just hoping and praying that things will finally work, you also may be worried about the cost of the treatment and struggling as your hormones (and emotions) fluctuate. It’s now more important than ever to find ways to take care of yourself and prioritize your personal well-being. 


Getting the proper amount of sleep is vital to feeling your best. Plus, stress and lack of sleep can take a toll on your immune system, so it’s important to rest fully before you feel run down. Try to get between 7-9 hours.


Eat fruits, veggies, whole grains, and proteins that will nourish your body, keep your energy levels up, and support your mood during this process. Focus on whole foods, and avoid processed foods and those high in sugar. However, while it’s important to eat healthy, it’s also important to be kind to yourself during this time and to do what makes you happy. If that’s having some extra dessert after dinner or ordering that sugary Starbucks drink you love, go ahead. Practice the 80/20 rule (eating well 80% of the time and treating yourself 20% of the time).

Yoga + Meditation

Yoga can help you achieve a mind-body balance and relieve stress. Plus, it supports the development of lean muscles that will support you during pregnancy and delivery. Similarly, meditation can help you relieve stress and practice self-compassion. Even if you can’t make it to a class for yoga, it’s easy to find a video (like Yoga with Adrienne) or app that you can use. For meditation, it can be as simple as sitting quietly somewhere, focusing on your breath, and being present.


It may help to see an objective third party to talk about what you’re going through. IVF can put a strain on you (and your relationship), and a therapist can help you find healthy ways to cope.

Remember: Be kind to yourself! What you’re going through is difficult in so many ways -- physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually -- and it’s important to give yourself the same kindness and compassion that you would extend to one of your best friends.

Sources:, Healthline,